The child’s brain is at its most flexible during the first five years, making this a critical period for learning and growth.
Join our free webinar ?
Learn about the key development milestones in the all important first years of childhood development.
Understand how neurological and mental processes trigger development leaps, which affect not only babies’ moods, but also their health, intelligence, sleeping patterns and behaviour.
Debunk common childcare myths and fantasies with facts and science.
Feel more confident in childcare matters.
Be inspired.
Webinar Details 1
Oportunum est, ut arbitror, explanare nunc causam, quae ad exitium praecipitem Aginatium inpulit iam inde a priscis maioribus nobilem, ut locuta est pertinacior fama. nec enim super hoc ulla documentorum rata est fides.
Webinar Details 2
Oportunum est, ut arbitror, explanare nunc causam, quae ad exitium praecipitem Aginatium inpulit iam inde a priscis maioribus nobilem, ut locuta est pertinacior fama. nec enim super hoc ulla documentorum rata est fides.
One of the most important jobs in our society?
Childcare, the care and education of children during the crucial early learning years.
At Little Green House we have been taking care of babies and children for many years. And we make sure, our teams know what they are doing. Educating, training and coaching our staff (and sometimes parents) is one of the main ingredients to our philosophy. For us, a great training is science- and fact-based, and delivered in an engaging, intuitive way by experts in their domain.
What is the Little Green House Campus?

The Little Green House Campus is a learning platform for everyone interested in becoming a better, more knowledgeable child minder, be it childcare educators, nannies, au-pairs or parents.

Our courses combine online presentations with online group work, discussions and personal coaching and counselling. Courses cover the whole bandwidth of early childhood topics, from childcare basics via neuroscientific developments, concrete playful activities with children, and many more.

We hope they will inspire you, help you feel more confident and at ease raising children, answer your questions, deliver new insights, and connect you with like-minded people, be fun.